Hillsdale College Chapel |
Hillsdale, Michigan |
Great |
Swell |
Positive |
Principal |
16' |
Principal |
8' |
Principal |
8' |
Octave |
8' |
Gedackt |
8' |
Gedackt |
8' |
Salicional |
8' |
Baarpijp |
8' |
Quintadena |
8' |
Rohrflöte |
8' |
Violdigamba |
8' |
Octave |
4' |
Flûte Harmonique |
8' |
Voix celeste |
8' |
Rohrflöte |
4' |
Octave |
4' |
Octave |
4' |
Nasat |
2 2/3' |
Spitzflöte |
4' |
Koppelflöte |
4' |
Octave |
2' |
Quinte |
3' |
Nasat |
2 2/3' |
Blockflöte |
2' |
Octave |
2' |
Octave |
2' |
Larigot |
1 1/3' |
Mixture |
Gemshorn |
2' |
Sesquialtera |
IIr |
Cornet |
Vr |
Terz |
1 3/5' |
Mixture |
Trompet |
16' |
Mixture |
V-VIr |
Dulcian |
16' |
Trompet |
8' |
Trompet |
16' |
Trompet |
8' |
Trompette |
8' |
Trompet |
8' |
Cromorne |
8' |
Hautbois |
8' |
Vox Humana |
8' |
Pedal |
Subbaß |
32'* |
Couplers: |
Swell to Great |
Principal |
16' |
Positive to Great |
Subbaß |
16' |
Swell to Positive |
Octave |
8' |
Great to Pedal |
Bourdon |
8'* |
Swell to Pedal |
Octave |
4' |
Positive to Pedal |
Nachthorn |
2' |
Mixture |
Compass: |
Manual : 58 notes |
Posaune |
32' |
Pedal : 30 notes |
Posaune |
16' |
Trompet |
8' |
Other: |
Polished tin front pipes |
Trompet |
4' |
Solid wood casework with carved pipe shades |
Cornet |
2' |
Suspended, direct mechanical key action |
Mechanical stop action with electric |
pre-set system |
Tremulant 1: Great and Positive |
Tremulant 2: Swell |
Wind Stabilizer |
*Some pipes transmitted from other stops |